Features Overview

Petra has a long history of running workshops both in education and corporate contexts. She has worked as a facilitator for public, community and corporate audiences and has designed and implemented various training programs. 

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Presenting with Confidence / Speaker Training Workshops

These workshops are designed to equip you with the skills to present more confidently. Simple techniques which can be applied straight away. Group and single sessions available.


Improvisation Workshops

Learning key principals of improvisation can help conquer fears and aid in working collaboratively - skills that have a positive effect on those who acquire them. Learn skills to help break down barriers to communication, connection and acceptance. Group only.


Using Story to Build Connection

Narrative underpins everything we do. This workshop (tailored to your needs) takes an understanding of story to better connect a group of people. Whether you’re trying to break the ice or change culture .

For more information on workshops, please fill in the form below